Oxygen not included space
Oxygen not included space

There's a new category of research (applied science, which is radiation-based), and though the final tier of research still uses data banks in a virtual planetarium as before, the data banks can be "crafted" via an orbital lab in a rocket. Lots more rocket and logistics automation has been added to facilitate things like automatic cargo rockets.

oxygen not included space

There are lots more types of rockets and rocket components (including ones you can build very early, like CO2 and sugar-powered rockets), and crew capsules have interiors that you have to design yourself. Then there's a new "moonlet cluster" start, where resources are divided up even more into smaller "moonlet" asteroids, so you NEED to get into rockets early just to survive more than a few hundred cycles. There's the "spaced out" start, where those resources are divided among the (smaller) starter and teleporter planetoids, so going to that second planetoid is more crucial. There are three different starts you can pick from: classic, where the starter asteroid is still quite big and includes every type of resource that's not considered "space material" (niobium, isoresin, graphite/fullerene). There will always be a cryogenically frozen dupe on that second planetoid that you can thaw and will defrost with 3 skill points ready to go. By default your map will generate with teleporters that allow anything but power to be transferred to a single other planetoid, and other teleporters that will let you send a single dupe back and forth every few cycles.

oxygen not included space

Spaced out completely reworks rockets, and breaks up the single big asteroid into many smaller ones that you need to travel & send resources between. Pick a destination from the star map, your rocket launches, and X days later it lands again with a hold full of resources. There are rockets, but rockets are simple: you research a star map using a telescope on your asteroid.

Oxygen not included space